Monday, August 31, 2009

Off the charts!!

Excerpt from a conversation during Maddie's 4 month checkup, which happened earlier today:

Nurse: Looks like Maddie's evenly above the 95th percentile for height, weight, AND head size.

Randall: At least she's still on the charts!

Nurse: Not really. She actually is off the charts, which don't go past the 95th percentile. ..but at least she's proportional!

So goes another appointment. ..A bit later, the Doctor shared another funny fact: Maddie is in the 50th percentile for a 9 month old!

Here's a pic of Maddie on the scale, weighing in at 17 pounds, 13 ounces. BTW, she's also now 27 1/4 inches tall!

And here's a pic of Maddie smiling and chatting with her doctor.

The only bad part: 2 shots, which incurred a quick 5 minute cry, followed by a nice nap and a trip to Whole Foods to buy rice cereal (and a cupcake for Vinnie) so Maddie can begin solid foods!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rub a dub dub, it's Maddie in the Tub!

There's NOTHING better at taking Maddie's mind off the mean teeth pushing up through her gums than a raucous time in the tub. ..not sure if she "gets" that she's actually the one responsible for all that splashing, but it sure is fun to watch. Especially when she breaks out in laughter without any encouragement.

Enjoy the video!

Friday, August 21, 2009

She's on a Roll!

..been a while since our last post, as life's been especially busy, especially fun, and we're loving every minute of it.

After a couple weeks worth of push-ups, Maddie surprised us yesterday by rolling from her tummy to her back. Now she can't get enough, and rolls her chubby little body again and again. Here's a quick look: