Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hangin' with my cuz.

Maddie had a great weekend of "lots" with Auntie Lori and cousin Zach: ..lots of stuff, lots of noise, lots of food, lots of laughs, and lots of love!

Here, Zach giving Maddie a little hug: (we're working on cleaning up the pic!)

Maddie & Zach playing piano:

Zach out on a hike in the Santa Cruz mountains:

Zach & Mom on the tire swing:

..with Uncle Randall in Maddie's play tent:

Monday, February 8, 2010


Our copy of "What to Expect: The First Year" says that at 9 months, most babies should be able to point, wave, and clap. We've been trying to capture each but for some reason the waving and pointing don't happen when we have the camera out. Instead, we have two quick videos. The first shows her clapping, and the second shows Maddie feeding herself lunch a few days ago (with a brief finger pointing somewhere in the middle).


Feeding herself:

..we'll try to upload more videos if we can get any!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sometimes Maddie's no so happy..

The other day we noticed that all of Maddie's pics were smiling, happy, and picture perfect. ..but Maddie doesn't always smile and laugh. Sometimes events happen that cause her to stick out her lower lip, take a deep breath, and let out a huge wail. ..and while we feel bad for her, as when she was complaining a couple days ago about her latest new teeth, we also think it can be awfully cute and finally decided to document it:

The first pic follows the first wail:

This second pic shows a stage two wail (head thrown back for dramatic effect) which essentially communicates: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT CAMERA WHEN I OBVIOUSLY NEED COMFORTING!!"

We have no doubt that she'll use these pics against us in the future!