Friday, April 24, 2009

Nana & Papa

We are so grateful to Maddie's Nana & Papa (Alan & Sharon) for all the love and support they have shown us.

Nana and Papa were real troopers - they made the 7 hour drive up for Maddie's birth (which we thought was going to be much sooner) and basically stayed in a hotel near the hospital for a week and a half just to be sure they wouldn't miss the birth. If you're not familiar with Roseville and the surrounding areas (not to mention the dining options), that's no small thing!

On the 10th day of Nana & Papa's vigil, we were scheduled to arrive at the hospital for a 6:00 AM induction, but because *everyone* thought it'd be good to have a baby on that day, we weren't admitted until 11:00 AM. ..even then Maddie thought she'd wait another 10 hours before agreeing to come out. This picture shows us waiting (Papa fell asleep) just minutes before the big event.

Finally. Nana & Papa get to spend some quality time bonding with Maddie before heading home. We're all so happy that they were patient enough to be there for Maddie's grand entrance!

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