Friday, January 29, 2010

Lather, rinse, repeat.

A few pics from Maddie in her bath today. A bath usually follows 4 steps: 1) Get in and play with toys while splashing water over as much of the bathroom as possible; 2) Washing of hair and other bits so they're sparkly clean; 3) the dreaded hair rinse; and a few more minutes of play before 4) Heading back to her room for some lotion, a fresh nappy, and some clean clothes.

Step 1)

Step 2)

Step 3 -- (we opted to post the "after" shot so you wouldn't call CPS)

Step 4 -- we wish we had a clearer shot, but couldn't leave out a pic of her wet head and her zany hair)

We forgot the "true" first step, which is where we undress her and run around the house screaming "NAKED BABY!" "NAKED BABY!".

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