Sunday, October 24, 2010

An unfortuntate and not-so-great look.

This past Monday Maddie fell down and bit through her upper lip. ..all the way through the skin below the outer portion. The lip started to look better on Thursday.

Then while running from one end of the couch to the other, she tripped, fell to the floor, and did this:

We're headed back to the Doctor first thing on Monday to see if we go to a permanent cast or if she can stay in this temporary splint for a shorter time. Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi uncle vinnie,Hi uncle randal! I hope Maddie gets better soon. Maddiezilla* is too cute to be put into a cast. will she still be able to go trick or treating? Is she even able to eat candy now? Here's a internet butterfly for her as a get well gift:})i({

    *Maddiezilla is my nickname for Maddie
