Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Road Trip! ..Part One

It's been a while since we last posted. Sorry.

We've been busy passing little Maddie through hundreds (literally) of hands, meeting, greeting, smiling and generally visiting various homes of friends and family. We came back exhausted, but overwhelmed with a feeling of happiness that so many people cared enough to open their homes or come meet us and welcome Maddie to the community and the family.

Our first stop was Maddie's Uncle Jeff and Aunt Susie in Thousand Oaks, CA, where she was able to spend some time with her cousins in their noisy house full of love.

Our second visit was to the home of Randall's longtime friends and ex-employers, the Silvermans. We were fortunate to score some coveted seats at their Shabbat table, which anyone who's ever attended knows is an extraordinary event. As usual, their son Geoff (whom Randall's known since Jr. High) was there with his two cute kids (and new friends of Maddie) Chloe and Logan. We were sorry Susan wasn't able to make it but hope to get some face time during an upcoming visit.

Third stop, Maddie's Aunt Mary's house where we met up with Grandpa Dave and Paula, Grandma, Uncle Don, Uncle Martin, Aunt Mae, and Maddie's Silva/Rivera cousins.

Here we see Maddie with Aunt Mary and cousins Rachael, Bridget and Megan.
Maddie can't wait to get in on the mandatory "fashion show" that happens when the little cousins (ALL GIRLS!) get together. Chances are she can't wait to get in on the noise, too!

One the right is Vince with Maddie and her Grandpa Dave, and below is Maddie with her Uncle Martin, Aunt Mae, and cousin Megan.

Finally, a great shot of Vince with Megan, Bridget and Maddie.